


Algeria is a State of North Africa and part of the Magreb zone, limited to north by the Mediterranean sea on a coastal tape of 1200 km, in the West by Morocco, Mauritania and the Arab Republic Sahraoui Democratic, in the East by Tunisia and Libya and in the South by Mali and Niger.

Its surface is 2 381 741 km2, it is one of the largest country of Africa . Its population exceeds 30 000 000 inhabitants.

Its administrative capital Algiers counts about 3000 000 inhabitants. It consist of four (4) characteristic natural sets to know:

The coastal mountainous chain.

Plains and high mountainous chain.

The mountainous chain of the interior.

The area of the Great South and its mountainous solid masses.

Its climate is characterized by three alternatives: Mediterranean climate in North.

Dry moderate climate for the high mountainous chain.

Dry or desert climate for the extreme South of the country.

The density of the road , maritime and air networks carried out in Algeria constitutes a significant factor having to encourage the tourist rise of these areas. This network is regarded as most significant on the scale of the Maghreb .

The length of the road network in Algeria is estimated at about 90 000 km of which:

Trunk roads:22 000 km.

Secondary roads of Wilaya:26 000 km.

Minor roads:42 000 km.

The length of the rail network extends from 4500 km and equipped of more than 200 stations covering north of the country especially. This network consists of:

1435 km of normal ways.

1055 km of narrow gauge railways.

305 km of double ways.

299 km of electrified ways.

The basic infrastructures of air transport in Algeria experienced a remarkable development concretized by the realization of 31 airports through the Algerian territory with a strong presence in Wilaya of the south. It should in addition be specified that 13 of these airports have an international vocation.

The Air National Company Air Algeria covers 37 stopovers through Europe Africa and the Middle-East. Air Algeria also serves the most significant cities of the interior as well as the tourist areas in complement of the networks of the road and maritime transport.

The maritime activity relates to 13 ports with multiple uses and a great number of small pleasure and fishing ports. To announce that international trade is done primarily by sea. The maritime activities are ensured by five specialized companies (coastal traffic, goods, hydrocarbons...)

The telephone network covers the whole territory of which 96 % of the capacities installed are in automatic mode whereas the number of subscribers is approximately a million. The ratio telephone lines/a number of inhabitant reaches the rate of 3, 9/1 000. The sector currently knows an operation of extension and modernization with the generalization of numerical and the installation of the mobile telephone of type GSM.

The cover of the country in electric power reaches 94 % made up of 160 000 km lines. In addition to the cover of the interior needs, Algeria holds also the greatest reserves discovered out of natural gas


EMBASSY OF ALGERIA , No 5 Jalan Mesra off Jalan Damai 55000 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

Tel:+603-21459604, +603-21488159
Fax: +603-21488154

Email dz@algerianembassy.org.my...visa@algerianembassy.org.my

Website: www.algerianembassy.org.my

@ Copyright 2005 Algerian Embassy,